Training4Transport Introduce LoCity Driving
Check out our new Driver CPC Course LoCity Driving. This course is designed to give drivers an insight into strategies to reduce fuel use, emissions and improve air quality.

Training Centre Success
Individuals and companies from across the industry have been visiting our Training4Transport centre of excellence to take advantage of our expansive specialist training offering.

Introducing the New Collett Website
We've been busy behind the scenes and we're delighted to announce that the new www.collett.co.uk is now live!

Multiple Driver CPC Now Available
Having successfully developed the now award winning Safe Urban Driving courses we've taken the opportunity to expand our CPC Modules to include Safer Loading.

Training4Transport Now Offer Van Smart Training
New to our training programme for 2017! Designed to reduce work related road risks and improve safety standards, Van Smart is a Transport for London (TfL) backed driver training programme.

Award Winning Safe Urban Driving
The 2015 Heavies Award for the Most Significant Safety Initiative goes to, Collett & Sons Ltd for Safe Urban Driving!

JAUPT Approved FORS Safe Urban Driving
We're pleased to announce that we are now providing JAUPT approved FORS Safe Urban Driving Courses from our Halifax Centre of Excellence Training Facility, becoming the only Transport company throughout Yorkshire to offer this service.

Zero Room for Improvement Means Top Marks for Collett!
A few weeks ago saw an unannounced JAUPT audit at our Training Facility, at the end of the visit the Collett Training Team were awarded zero advisory notices and zero continuous improvements.